Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Masala Film

Actually the word Masala is the Synonym of the English word Spice. In subcontinent, various Masalas are used for bringing a different and delicious taste in cooking.In film, when various components are used to make a "popular commercial", film is called "Masala Film". This is almost similar to use Masalas in cooking.

Major characteristics of Masala Film:
1. Sex
2. Song
3. Dance
4. Melodrama
5. Stunts
6. Fights
7. Suspense
8. Love
9. Tragedy
10. Comedy
11. Happy Ending

How does Bollywood is different from Hollywood

Hollywood produces film from every aspects of our life. They make Horror, Sci-Fi, Western, Gangster, Musical, Combat, Horror, Biopic, romantic, Comedy. They also made some other kind of generic film like woman's film, children's film, and teen films. For making this film they give importance to script, story, history, technological aspects etc. Though the range of genre of Bollywood is not as diverse and widespread as Hollywood film, Bollywood film makers also make this types of films but what they do they song, dance, melodrama generate in their every film. So whatever the film they make it goes to the genre of Masala film. Bolywood gives more focus and highlights on Hero and Heroine. Glamour and Costumes are very attractive in Masala film, While glamour and costumes depends on the story in Hollywood. Masala films produce some hilarious actions to its viewers. Masala films go thru with full of suspense, but most of the time it ends with happy ending. While in Hollywood happy ending is not necessary. Hollywood makes big budget film. Though now a days Bollywood starts making big budget film, but budget is a big factor for Bollywood.

Significance of Songs in Masala Film

Actually in subcontinent songs and dance are the most attractive parts of the whole film. Song and dance bring lots of people in the hall. I can say as an example of Masala song "Kajra Re" from the film"Bunty Aur Bubbly". Most of the viewers of this film came to enjoy only this song. Audience eagerly waits for watching a song with dance. After seeing the song and dance they feel they utilized their money.

Some other significance of Songs in Masala film

1. It tells the story
2. Signifies the meaning of the story
3. Generates the desired emotions
4. Express moral messages
5. Express sexuality
6. Create the mood for participating in the various episodes
7. Great source of entertainment

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Knowledge is power

“Power is knowledge”-Michel Foucault. That means what is power that is knowledge.

In Enemy of state we have seen the real reflection of this theory. We saw in this film, one group (NSA officials) had knowledge of technology. When they used this knowledge it becomes power.

In other way NSA officials group had power. Power of technology, administration and law and enforcement. And they knew how to apply the power to achieve their goal. This “knowing” about applying power was their knowledge.

“I don’t have anything”-Will Smith. Will Smith had no knowledge about what was going on and he had no power to defend him. But when he met with his friend Gene Hackman and discuss about their problems that they are in danger and they have no power that gave them power. And they use this power as knowledge. And this “power of knowledge” saves them.

Foucault Says-“knowledge is arbitrary”. In the film we saw every group used their knowledge according to their needs and wishes.They were not very logical to use this power and knowledge.

Another theory of Foucault is -“Discourse transmits and produces power”. In this film, whole story based on a ‘Video-Tape”. Why video tape is important? Because it would be published in media. And people would ‘Talk or discourse’ about this. And when people will talk it becomes- ‘power’. As people discuss about the news published in media. So media is power because they have “knowledge”.

In every country politicians have power whether they have or they don't have knowledge because they spread their discourse to the people and people believe in their discourse.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Urban Myths in Bangladesh


Myths are "Stories" which have no scientific proof. We just believe them. Myths have been prevailing since beginning of our civilization.

Urban Myths in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh thousands of myths are being stated. Believing in myths in our country is stronger than other countries. In our countries myths are not only as myths. These have some great influence in our family, society, culture, religion etc. We believe in myths as we believe in Allah (God).Here are some popular and influential myths stated in our country:-

1.Law and order Myth:

If a "Tiger" catches a man he receives Eighteen (18) wounds, but if a "Police" catches a man he receives Thirty-six (36) wounds.

2.Communal Myth:

"Red Ants" are Hindus and "Black Ants" are Muslims. As red ants bite us (Muslim majority Bangladeshis) so they are Hindus and black ants don't so they are Muslims.

3.Food Myth:

Eating Tamarind turns your blood into water.

4.Marriage Myth:

Younger sister can't get married before her elder sister.

5.Examination Myth:

An Egg is shaped like a Zero (0).So it is strongly believed in every family in our country that, if you have an egg before your exam certainly you will get a big "O" in your exam.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Swastika and its differenr meanings


The word "Swastika" is originated from Sanskrit word "Svastik". Su+Svasti= Svastik= Swastika.

'Su' means-
1. Well
2. Good etc.

And "Svasti" means-
1. Happiness
2. Comfort
3. Security
4. Welfare etc.

That means, the sign "Swastika" is used to express the meaning of good, happiness, well, welfare, comfort etc.

Since over 3000 years the sign Swastika is been used to express the sign of sacred, religious, holy, well, good, wealth, harmony, love, good fortune to the Eastern country like India, Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, China, Japan etc. Even it contains a religious values, beliefs and meanings to the western countries religion.

In Hinduism, 'Swastika' represents the Hindu god "Brahma".So, it is very holly and sacred to the Hindus.

In Buddhism Swastika' symbolizes universal harmony, love and mercy.

In Jainism, it is more sacred and religious than Hinduism. It is a symbol of the seventh Jaina (one of the Jaina God).

So, it is clear that Swastika has some religiou values as well as Good,Love,Good Luck,Peace,Harmony,Sacred to the Eastern World.

Actually all over the world "Swastika" is being used as good,holy,walth,love and peace. But for the "Hitlarian" barbarism and brutality the meaning has Changed to the Western World. Because this sign was used by the "Nazi" troops during the "Second World- War" in their flag.Since the Second World-War in most of the Western country "Swastika" is regarded as brutality, hatred, bloodshed,killing and violence only for the "Nazi" brutal savages.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wag the Dog and social construction of reality

My Understanding

Our reality constructs from our own consciousness. We believe as real what we see, we hear, we read. If we see something then we judge- ‘it is true.’ If we hear something we assume it as true. If we read about something then we start believing it as real.

As an example, some of us believe in “Ghost”, and some of us don’t. Now, why some people believe and other don’t? Those who believe they will say –‘I saw it.’ And those who don’t believe it they will say –‘I have never seen it, so why would I believe this?’

Wag the Dog

We saw in this film, a sex-scandal of a sitting American president was released in American media just two weeks before his presidential election. Some of his friends and followers ask for a help to a famous Hollywood producer. Then the producer produces a 'so-called' war story between America and Albania to divert the media and mass people from the scandal. Media and the people took this news very seriously and finally they became successful to divert the people.


This film clearly shows us how we construct our reality. According to this film, after publishing the scandal in the media, people took this story as true. But when they saw news of war they forgot the previous scandal and started believing that a war is going on between America and Albania. Now we can ask why the same people believe this two different story? Because these people saw these two different news with their own eyes from the media. So how can they deny? Which they saw and heard they believe. It is quite natural.

Another important thing I want to add that, media play an important role to influence people to construct their reality. What we informed from the media, we start believing in that without prior thinking. What actually happened in the film "Wag the Dog"

Monday, June 9, 2008

"Social Construction Of Reality"


Renaissance is a French word which means Rebirth, Resurgence, New beginning. It was a cultural movement which spread during 14th to 17 century. This Rebirth started from Italy, but later it spanned in the rest of Europe. This cultural movement had a great Impact on society. Renaissance brought changes in literature, education, art, Phylosophy, psychology, politics, science, histry and above all the whole intellectual and psychological state of human being. This modern age is a gift of Renaissance revolution.

Nicolas Machiavelli

Nicolas, Nicolai, Nicola Machiavelli is one of the pioneers of the Italian renaissance. He was born in Florence, Italy, on May-3, 1469. His fathers name was Bernardo di Niccolò Machiavelli and mothers name was Bartolommea di Stefano Nelli. He was a versatile genius. He was a political philosopher, diplomat, musician, poet, and playwright. The Prince and the Republicanism are treated as his best work. He was died in June-21, 1527 at the age of 58

Edmund Burke

Edmund Burke was born in Dublin, Ireland on January 12, in 1729. He was an author, an orator, political theorist, and philosopher. He had a great contribution to the American Revolution. He is regarded as the philosophical founder of Anglo-American conservatism by conservatives. He was influenced by Aristotle. Conciliation with the Colonies, A Vindication of Natural Society: A View of the Miseries and Evils Arising to Mankind, Reflections on the Revolution in France are some of his best writings. He was died in July 9, 1797 in Beaconsfield, England at the age of 68.

Socially Constructed
Belief, sense, views, ideology are constructed within the society. We the human being just apply them as our need. We believe, act, see, hear, say, practice as we see, hear and practiced from our parents, neighbors and elders. Where they got this? These things are pre established in our society.
