Sunday, June 29, 2008

Swastika and its differenr meanings


The word "Swastika" is originated from Sanskrit word "Svastik". Su+Svasti= Svastik= Swastika.

'Su' means-
1. Well
2. Good etc.

And "Svasti" means-
1. Happiness
2. Comfort
3. Security
4. Welfare etc.

That means, the sign "Swastika" is used to express the meaning of good, happiness, well, welfare, comfort etc.

Since over 3000 years the sign Swastika is been used to express the sign of sacred, religious, holy, well, good, wealth, harmony, love, good fortune to the Eastern country like India, Nepal, Bhutan, Srilanka, China, Japan etc. Even it contains a religious values, beliefs and meanings to the western countries religion.

In Hinduism, 'Swastika' represents the Hindu god "Brahma".So, it is very holly and sacred to the Hindus.

In Buddhism Swastika' symbolizes universal harmony, love and mercy.

In Jainism, it is more sacred and religious than Hinduism. It is a symbol of the seventh Jaina (one of the Jaina God).

So, it is clear that Swastika has some religiou values as well as Good,Love,Good Luck,Peace,Harmony,Sacred to the Eastern World.

Actually all over the world "Swastika" is being used as good,holy,walth,love and peace. But for the "Hitlarian" barbarism and brutality the meaning has Changed to the Western World. Because this sign was used by the "Nazi" troops during the "Second World- War" in their flag.Since the Second World-War in most of the Western country "Swastika" is regarded as brutality, hatred, bloodshed,killing and violence only for the "Nazi" brutal savages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent post.
