Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Knowledge is power

“Power is knowledge”-Michel Foucault. That means what is power that is knowledge.

In Enemy of state we have seen the real reflection of this theory. We saw in this film, one group (NSA officials) had knowledge of technology. When they used this knowledge it becomes power.

In other way NSA officials group had power. Power of technology, administration and law and enforcement. And they knew how to apply the power to achieve their goal. This “knowing” about applying power was their knowledge.

“I don’t have anything”-Will Smith. Will Smith had no knowledge about what was going on and he had no power to defend him. But when he met with his friend Gene Hackman and discuss about their problems that they are in danger and they have no power that gave them power. And they use this power as knowledge. And this “power of knowledge” saves them.

Foucault Says-“knowledge is arbitrary”. In the film we saw every group used their knowledge according to their needs and wishes.They were not very logical to use this power and knowledge.

Another theory of Foucault is -“Discourse transmits and produces power”. In this film, whole story based on a ‘Video-Tape”. Why video tape is important? Because it would be published in media. And people would ‘Talk or discourse’ about this. And when people will talk it becomes- ‘power’. As people discuss about the news published in media. So media is power because they have “knowledge”.

In every country politicians have power whether they have or they don't have knowledge because they spread their discourse to the people and people believe in their discourse.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is an excellent piece, you have gone beyond the relationship between power and knowledge and have related the film to more of Foucault's ideas. Your identification of the video tape as a medium of discourse was quite original.
