Sunday, July 6, 2008

Urban Myths in Bangladesh


Myths are "Stories" which have no scientific proof. We just believe them. Myths have been prevailing since beginning of our civilization.

Urban Myths in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh thousands of myths are being stated. Believing in myths in our country is stronger than other countries. In our countries myths are not only as myths. These have some great influence in our family, society, culture, religion etc. We believe in myths as we believe in Allah (God).Here are some popular and influential myths stated in our country:-

1.Law and order Myth:

If a "Tiger" catches a man he receives Eighteen (18) wounds, but if a "Police" catches a man he receives Thirty-six (36) wounds.

2.Communal Myth:

"Red Ants" are Hindus and "Black Ants" are Muslims. As red ants bite us (Muslim majority Bangladeshis) so they are Hindus and black ants don't so they are Muslims.

3.Food Myth:

Eating Tamarind turns your blood into water.

4.Marriage Myth:

Younger sister can't get married before her elder sister.

5.Examination Myth:

An Egg is shaped like a Zero (0).So it is strongly believed in every family in our country that, if you have an egg before your exam certainly you will get a big "O" in your exam.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very good post. There were several new ones for me, including the tiger and the ant myths. So these myths are also exposing social tensions!